DOT STIP Software Considerations

- 2nd December 2021
The Statewide Transportation Improvement Programs (STIP) process is an on-going process with updates and amendments consistently occurring. Since STIPs are on-going programs, all Departments of Transportation (DOTs) must have a system in place to track and manage the STIP update and amendment process. DOTs follow a regular STIP update and amendment process and utilize management software to track the STIP, whether through a Microsoft Access database, a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, a customized database developed in another software program or a combination of those three along with supporting documentation in emails, reports and documents.
There are several considerations for DOT STIP Software:
- Ease connection with statewide DOT Plan / Programs – processes to move projects, project phases, and on-going programs from larger DOT programs and standalone DOT programs
- Ease of connection with performance measurement – processes to connect projects with various performance measures
- Need for a public facing site with project listings, locations, funding sources and amounts
- Need for a connection to the Federal Management Information Systems (FMIS)
- Need for system to standardize a process and document project changes
- Need for routine reporting (fiscal constraint, amendment/update summary, funding balances)
- Need for Advance Construction (AC) functionality
- Need for communication flows to / from Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) (i.e. amendment requests, review, approvals, and changes)
- Expectations of governing body and FHWA/FTA
- Hardware and software needs
- Staff knowledge and experience with the overall STIP process and requirements and with the management software/system
- Degree of maintenance required and support available for on-going product upgrades
- Ease of implementation
- Total cost (staff time + initial software implementation cost + on-going costs)
When EcoInteractive Project Tracker is a Good Fit for DOTs and When It’s Not
Good Fit
- DOTs that are looking to make their online STIP more accessible and transparent to their governing body, committees and general public (as compared to a .pdf document posted on their website)
- DOTs that want a better way to document changes made to STIP projects by DOT staff and project sponsors
- DOTs looking to enhance and streamline workflows for staff assigned to STIP Administration
- DOTs looking to transition away from a system designed by a staff member that is soon to retire
- DOTs that don’t have dedicated IT support for their current system
- DOTs that would like direct access to the financial obligation system used by FHWA for their STIIP administration processes.
- DOTs that experience frequent turnover in TIP Administration staff
- DOTs looking to streamline the MPO Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) insertion process and the FHWA/FTA review process
Bad Fit
- DOTs with a robust eSTIP tracking system complete with: version control, validation checks, ad hoc reporting, public website and centralized data management.
Ultimately, each DOT will weigh all of the considerations when evaluating its STIP Software of choice and STIP Administration approach and will decide which consideration is most important. We believe EcoInteractive’s ProjectTracker SaaS solution is a strong candidate for many DOTs to consider