New eSTIP / eTIP Product Feature Release: New Project Load & Management

At EcoInteractive, we’re constantly innovating to ensure clients a seamless experience with creating, managing, and tracking transportation projects.

Within ProjectTracker SaaS, we’ve enhanced the New Project Wizard to allow users to seamlessly load project data from external systems.

This feature reduces duplicate data-entry and auto-populates project details such as title, description, lead agency, and funding type. When creating new projects, ProjectTracker automatically checks any configured external system and inserts all relevant information on project records.

A user can then refine these auto-populated values and enter additional project attributes:

We’ve also added reporting functionality that segments and displays project funding by any configured attribute (e.g. by Project Type, Lead Agency, Performance Measure, etc.). This feature allows users to quickly and accurately craft summary reports.

We’re excited to release these new features and to support clients in seamlessly creating and managing complex projects. Questions? Reach out to us at

New eSTIP / eTIP Product Feature Release: Public Website Enhancements

At EcoInteractive, we’re constantly innovating to help transportation planners provide accurate and detailed information to the public. We’re excited to announce three product enhancements that will help organizations provide public stakeholders with a better understanding of the project planning and construction process.

Within ProjectTracker SaaS, we’ve included new graphics that demonstrate expected project timelines from start to finish as well as the current status of individual projects. If desired, planners can also track a more granular set of status data for internal reporting purposes – the new timeline graphic can be configured depending on the desired data to display for public consumption:

We’ve also added a Fund History tab providing public stakeholders the ability to view how a project’s funding amounts, sources, and schedule have changed over time:

Finally, we’ve developed a Revision History tab that provides the public with a streamlined view of any project revisions, cost changes, and approval dates from relevant agencies:

We’re excited to support the evolving needs of planning agencies by enhancing public website functionality. Questions? Reach out to us at

New eSTIP / eTIP Product Feature Releases: Flexible Bulk Data Export

Transportation planners often field questions from stakeholders that require manipulation of various bulk planning datasets in order to answer. 

To help planners analyze bulk data and answer questions more easily, we’ve enhanced the data export feature in ProjectTracker SaaS to generate more accessible data exports, enabling easier manipulation of stored plan and project data.

Planners can now access nightly-refreshed data exports organized by document cycle under each type of planning data – e.g. project information data vs. funding information data:

Each dataset is updated nightly with the latest information, and each file pre-generated to save users time. So despite the large size of these bulk data exports – anytime a user accesses or downloads the export, they’ll immediately receive the file.

Tutorial videos for the data export page also include a demo on how to further manipulate and easily join various data downloads using simple tools in Microsoft Power Query:

We’re excited to release this new feature to support the evolving needs of planning agencies and provide even greater flexibility for our client’s unique data requirements. Questions? Reach out to us at

New eSTIP / eTIP Product Feature Release: External Data Integration

At EcoInteractive, we’re excited to release a new enhancement that allows our clients to seamlessly integrate external data sources with ProjectTracker SaaS.

ProjectTracker now supports integration with external data sources for both on-request updating and syncing. If an external system is the source of truth for data types (e.g., Funding Information), a user will be able to automatically import the external information into an existing project.

As an example, we’ve recently connected to a client’s implementation of Legistar to display the board resolution information:

ProjectTracker also enables organizations to use multiple types of data to perform queries from external resources. In the example above, the client uses custom field values to search for Legistar data. However, the display of the incoming data is flexible:

We’re excited to release these new features and to support clients in optimally integrating external data sources. Questions? Reach out to us at

New eSTIP and eTIP Product Feature Release: Performance Measures Module

Since FHWA announced guidelines for incorporating performance measures (PM) into transportation planning, planning agencies have taken different approaches to reflecting PM goals in short-range planning. 

At Eco, we’ve been supporting our eTIP and eSTIP software clients as they work to evolve different methodologies that incorporate performance measures into their planning process and software tools.

Recognizing that MPOs and DOTs need flexibility when adopting a performance measures framework most suitable to their jurisdiction’s stage and needs – we’re excited to announce our new Performance Measures Module as part of our suite of eSTIP and eTIP software products. All of which include self-serve configuration of new functionalities, specifically designed for tracking and reporting performance measures in transportation plans! 

When the PM module is turned on by admins, project sponsors will see a new tab on projects with categories of pre-configured questions to answer. Each category can be toggled on or off depending on whether they’re relevant to the project:

Client admins can self-configure how they’d like to setup the PM module – for example, which PM categories to track, what types of questions to include, what answer options to provide sponsors, etc:

Users can also access the companion PM module reporting tool to analyze the aggregated responses for their own customized questions across all reported projects:

We’re excited to release this new feature to support the evolving needs of planning agencies in the midst of a changing regulatory landscape. Questions? Reach out to us at

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