Transportation Planning

Introduction to State Departments of Transportation (DOTs)

Kristen Z, Transportation Planner

[<3 Minute Read]

What are State Departments of Transportation (DOTs)?

Each state in the country has a Department of Transportation (DOT) as part of its executive branch.  DOTs were established shortly after the federal-level Department of Transportation was established in 1967. One of the first responsibilities of the state-level DOTs was to partner with the federal DOT in constructing and planning the U.S. Interstate system.  Over time, most state DOTs diversified and added other forms of transportation to their original highway focus.

What Function do State DOTs Serve?

Most state DOTs participate in some level with current forms of transportation planning including roads, bicycle/pedestrian, rail, water and air transportation. They also participate in studying emerging forms of transportation like electric and autonomous vehicles.  State DOTs own and operate the state highway network, including U.S. Interstates, U.S. Highways and State Highways.  They administer state and federal transportation funding programs, and participate in planning, designing, and constructing the state transportation network.  As a cabinet agency in the executive branch of state governments, State DOTs rely on policy and funding direction set by State Legislatures. 

What Issues do State DOTs Tackle?

State DOTs are currently facing several emerging issues, including expanding from an exclusive focus on mobility and highways for gas and diesel-powered vehicles to include additional modes of transportation and additional vehicle fuels and technologies.  In addition, state DOTs are facing aging infrastructure and an aging workforce retiring with institutional knowledge.

What Role Do DOTs Play in Transportation Decision Making at the Metropolitan Level?

State Departments of Transportation (DOTs) play a significant role in transportation decision making at the metropolitan level.  DOTs often initiate and fund some of the largest projects in metropolitan regions – especially projects involving the state highway system.  In order to prioritize projects, DOTs develop long-range and short-range plans covering transportation across the entire state. 

Who Coordinates with DOTs?

Within each metropolitan region, DOTs often coordinate with local governments and/or regional planning organizations called Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) to prioritize transportation projects and transportation services within the metropolitan region.  State DOTs often have their own systems for prioritizing projects for design and for construction and weigh engineering, economic development, and other local support factors while prioritizing.  DOTs must consider the needs of the entire state system while evaluating candidate projects in metropolitan areas and balance the needs of the metropolitan areas with the needs of rural areas and interstate traffic.   

Finally, DOTs also often have pass-through programs where they share/award a portion of their State and/or Federal funding to projects serving specific modes of transportation (e.g., rail, air, bike/pedestrian, transit) or to specific areas of the state (e.g, bridges in rural areas or school safety projects).  Each state must comply with federal funding program eligibility rules but also retain discretion on decision making in terms of specific projects and funding sources.

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Introduction to Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs)

Kristen Z, Transportation Planner

[<3 Minute Read]

What are Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs)?

Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) are organizations that plan the transportation system in individual metropolitan areas in the United States.  They develop strategic priorities for the transportation system, write short-term and long-term transportation plans and make decisions on how to best allocate federal, state and local tax dollars across the metro transportation system. Recognizing the economic importance of metropolitan areas to the nation’s economy, MPOs were first put in place by federal legislation in the late 1970s to address transportation issues and needs that cross jurisdictional boundaries of local governments.

What Function Do MPOs Serve?

MPOs strive to make improvements in safety, modernize the transportation system, make transportation accessible to more people, contribute to larger societal goals and strategically expand the local transportation system.  MPOs plan, program and fund a variety of projects including reconstructing highway interchanges and arterial corridors, replacing public transit buses and building new bike/pedestrian facilities.  Currently, typical issues that MPOs are handling include preparing for a new federal infrastructure bill, developing and carrying out performance-based planning and balancing traditional needs, including balancing highway preservation with building bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure.

What Type Of Staff Work At MPOs?

While they are often also staffed by professional transportation planners, administrative staff and managers, MPOs are typically composed of their Boards of Directors, which are composed of elected officials from area local governments, the State Department of Transportation and other owners/operators of public transportation networks or services.

Where Are MPOs Located?

Typically, MPOs are housed in larger Councils of Governments (COGs) or Regional Council (RC) organizations. MPOs are located in all major metropolitan areas in the United States. They are required to exist in metropolitan regions larger than 50,000 people in population and have existed for over 40 years. Since their existence, the focus of MPOs has varied depending on the needs and interests of the region.

Who Works Within MPOs?

Since MPOs plan for transportation systems that are composed of individual networks owned and operated by individual cities, counties, states and other governmental entities, there is a significant amount of coordination with local governments and engagement with stakeholders and the general public.

What Role Do MPOs Play in Transportation Decision Making at the Metropolitan Level?

MPOs play a significant role in transportation planning and decision making at the metropolitan area level.  Their long-range plans, called Metropolitan Transportation Plans (MTP), serve as the official source for transportation investment in metropolitan areas.  Federal legislation allocates a portion of the larger federal transportation funding programs to large MPOs (MPOs that serve regions populated by over 200,000 people), providing these MPOs with the responsibility to decide which projects will receive the federal funding.  Since MPOs receive federal funding for operations, MPOs often conduct studies and data collection efforts that address priority focus areas such as technology, safety, congestion or walkability.

As part of their plans, MPOs often include projects planned for the regional transportation system that are funded by local governments. Additionally, State DOTs are required to include their capital projects in MPOs’ plans, which are subject to approval by the MPO Board.  MPOs serve as the exclusive hub for coordinating transportation decision-making, prioritizing and planning the metropolitan transportation system and producing productive working relationships among local governments, the State DOT, and any other public owner/operator of a transportation system or service, such as a public transit provider.

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